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Small Wins Are Wins Too

  About a year ago, I entered the CrossFit Open. Now for those of you who have met me in person you know, I’m “mature”, “round” and not very athletic. So, you can let that mental picture settle (lol). If you’re not familiar with the CrossFit Open let me tell you more. It’s an international event where a bunch of crazy people sign up and each week for five weeks you are assigned a new workout. Every week the workout is a surprise, and CrossFit people watch the announcement with bated breath and then they collectively groan. Most of the time these workouts are difficult (and I mean difficult). They are announced on a Thursday and you have until the...

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What do you want?

So tell me what you want, what you really, really want I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want (Now I bet you’ll be humming that Spice Girls anthem for the rest of the day.) Here’s what I found out when I became a coach, most people have no idea what they want. They worry, they are unhappy, stuck, bored and overwhelmed, but they don’t know what they want. However, they are crystal clear on what they DON’T want. That’s how we as coaches help them. We help them figure out what they really want. We do it by asking powerful questions, holding space and reminding our clients of their brilliance. We hold faith for them when...

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I almost didn’t send this to you

  I almost didn’t send you this email because I was scared about what you will think. Why is this email any different than the other emails I’ve sent you over the past few months? Because I’m putting myself out there! I’m making a commitment to send you more frequent emails….way more frequent. I’m going to send you a short little email every single day for 100 days. (Ok I've said it! Now I've got to follow through!!!)  Let me tell you why I’m doing this. I’m doing this because I want to help you. More than anything I want you to be successful. I want you to expand your coaching business and get all the clients that you want, and...

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5 Steps To A Digital Vision Board

How to Create a Digital Vision Board in 5 Easy Steps  Yes, it’s wonderful to have big dreams and there are lots of different ways to set goals and create your personalized plan to achieve them. One of my favourites is to use a vision board. Whether you call it a vision board, goal board, visualization board or dream board. Boarding is a powerful visualization tool, and a vision board is a great way to capture the essence and the specifics of your dreams and make them a reality. I don’t like to go to thrift stores to collect magazines and then cut them up and glue these magazine images to a poster board. I only have a small bit of...

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This message is meant for you

  If you are reading this, know it was a message meant for you. Often people ask me, how do I know what’s right for me? How do I know which messages are mine? I will tell you right now. If you are reading this, know this message was meant for you. You don’t need to guess any more, you don’t need to wonder or hesitate. If you feel so moved, read on. This blog is a different tone and topic than I normally write to you. I’ve been away, up north on vacation and these images were taken while we travelled.  I’m noticing in myself a sharpening of my purpose and increase in the urgency of my mission. Given...

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