5 Quick Questions That Will Change The Way You Think Today One of the most valuable things about having a coach is when they ask you a question that makes you pause and really think. A strategy you can use to get a similar result is self-inquiry. Essentially, ask yourself the right question....and take the time to thoughtfully answer too. This is important because the questions and answers that flow through our brain become the thoughts that create how we feel. Our emotions directly influence the action (or inaction) that we take. And our actions create our results. Let me say that again in another way. The thoughts we think actually create our life. Since our thoughts are so important...
Inner Toddler Running Your Coaching Practice? 2 Essential Tips to Harness Your Inner Adult Instead. Do you ever wonder if your inner toddler is running your life and coaching practice? Today I'm going to share some tips that you can use to recognize when this is happening and most importantly how to get back in control and how to be the adult in your coaching business and in your life so you can make progress. If you prefer you can watch the >>> VIDEO HERE <<< I offer all of this based on my years of experience working directly with coaches. I teach, coach and mentor coaches to build the businesses they absolutely love. This always comes down to...
The 5 Top Surprising Business Tips I Learned While Sitting On The Beach I took this photo last year when I was travelling in Thailand. I watched this female entrepreneur for 3 days straight, and I learned so much from how she runs her business. Despite the surroundings and the unsophisticated setup, I was impressed. I enjoyed the sun, sand and sunsets and watched. At the end of our stay, I asked if I could take her photo as she proudly stood beside one of her 3 carts. This is one of the best photos of her proudly grinning and her lessons resonated with me. Today I want to share them with you. I know you may look at...
How To Answer The Question "What Is Coaching?" It’s funny how difficult it can be to explain what coaching is. I think it’s because it’s still a relatively new field and many people have heard the word “coach” or “life coach” but have no idea what that means. They equate the word coach with a sports coach, but a life, wellness, executive or leadership coach plays a very different role, hence the confusion. Here’s an example of a conversation that many coaches have had. I’m curious, have you ever experienced something like this too? If you've always been curious about what it takes to become a successful life coach I've got something for you!!!...
Quick note for you today!What happens when you're working on a project and you stall and get overwhelmed? In today's video, I just want to encourage you to keep taking small steps.Remember, slow progress is still progress. It means you're still moving forward.
Watch it here >>>>> VIDEO
If you've always been curious about what it takes to become a successful life coach I've got something for you!!!
I created this free report: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming A Professional Coach.
>>> Download Your Copy Here <<<