Take The Easy Coach Niche Finder Quiz
I created this fun and free niche finder quiz to help you discover and choose your best coaching niche. It only takes 3 minutes to complete and it will give you powerful information on how you can best begin to specialize. Use this helpful niche finder tool o find out if you're best matched as a life coach, health coach, relationship coach or business coach among the many options.
I’ve designed it to assess your interests and skills and compare them to the most popular coaching niches. When you choose your most profitable coaching niche it will help you to as you build your successful coaching business.
Instead of asking "What is my niche" click below to get started to get some guidance.
How to find a Life Coach
Why do you need a niche? It's a good question!
Most people have no idea what a coach is, or how a coach can help them. When you choose a niche, you're placing a stake in the ground to declare that you specialize in helping people reach certain types goal or overcome a certain type of problem.
For example, maybe you have a talent and passion for working with up and coming executives, or you're interested in working with men who want to lose weight and gain muscle. Whatever your talent, there is more than likely someone who would want your help....if they knew you could help them.
Your potential clients are walking around all day thinking of their problems. They are listening to the WIIFM radio station (What's In It For Me). It's only when they understand that coaching with you could be the solution to their problem do they sit up and take notice. A niche helps you to position yourself as a potential solution.
There are many kinds of life coaching niches and business coaching niches amongst many others, use this free quiz when you're trying to figure out how to find the perfect niche for you and your business.
This quiz gives you feedback on the 8 top general niches that many coaches can specialize in, these are business coach, life coach, executive coach, family and parenting coach, confidence coach, relationship coach, health coach and career coach. Here's a brief overview on these coaching specialties.
Life Coach
The people you help are seeking to improve themselves in one or multiple ways. They are motivated to change and they want to live a fulfilled life that gets the most out of their personal potential.
You may be drawn to helping people set and achieve goals or to overcome procrastination and other self-sabotage habits, or even uncovering their life purpose and core values so they can create their best life.
Relationship Coach
You are primed to support people as they search for the relationship of their dreams or as they transition through a changed relationship status such as separation and divorce.
There is room for you to specialize in this niche are you more interested in helping people find love the second time around or thrive in life as a single.
Family and Parenting Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
A Health & Wellness Coach helps their clients by coaching, mentoring and facilitating healthy, sustainable behavior change. Coaches in this niche encouraging clients to listen to their inner wisdom, and achieve their goals through lifestyle and behavioral change.
There are many specialties available within this niche, for example, nutrition, meditation, yoga, fitness and various forms of exercise.
Career Coach
Confidence & Self Empowerment Coach
Business Coach
A Business Coach plays a wide variety of business roles, and often does not concentrate on one specific field.
Instead, they take a holistic view of the client’s business to support the best strategic approach to grow their business. They may show the client how to develop their team's performance, improve communication and deal with challenging times.
Executive & Leadership Coach
An executive and leadership coach helps highly skilled and motivated individuals to reach their business (and personal) goals faster than they could on their own.
Clients look for insights to overcome some of the obstacles blocking or hindering their success. For example how to manage stress, or find a greater sense of satisfaction in their life and work.
Which one is the most interesting to you?
Once you've taken the quiz I highly recommend you get a copy of this free report. 147 Proven Niches for Your Coaching Or Wellness Business.>>> Download Your Copy Here <<< |
I think
my niche would be life coaching. How do I learn more?
Really, good stuffing. Thanks for sharing your tipes for choosing perfect niche.
People believe they know their niche without getting the facts🧐
Thank you for this helpful information.
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