What are the qualities of a good coach? and How can you become one too? 1. They love people and have a heartfelt desire to help them. 2. They have incredible listening skills. Awesome life coaches listen to the words you are saying, the tone of your voice, the energy you exude and pauses during the conversation. They listen deeply to the things both voiced and those unsaid. 3. They ask questions that make you pause and think. Good coaches maintain a curious mindset. This endless curiosity leads to powerful questions that prompt you to reframe your perspective. If you've always been curious about what it takes to become a successful life coach I've got something for you!!!...
13 Ways to Make More Money As A Coach Do you think only of individual, one on one coaching as you think of growing your coaching business? When you did your coach training, you probably spent tons of time practising your coaching skills, usually one on one, so it’s only natural you think it’s the best (and perhaps only) way to be a successful coach. I’m here to tell you that is not the entire truth. While I agree it’s one of the most common ways to build your business it’s by no means the only way. My view, one on one coaching is amazing and rewarding, but my experience has also shown that no matter what I...
How to Make Money as a Coach. Here Are 17 Ways You Can Make Money As A Life Coach. When you research how to become a coach, do you assume you will only be doing private, one on one coaching to start and grow your coaching business? I know when you learn coaching skills, you spend a lot of time doing one on one coaching. So, it’s normal this is the first option you think of when considering how to grow your coach business. You may not have realized there are many other great options. I find one on one, private coaching very rewarding and effective but I also discovered, through experience, that if I coach more than...
The Essential Checklist: How To Start A Life Coaching Business How To Become A Life Coach This is one of the most frequent questions I get. How do I start my coaching business from scratch? Or I’m overwhelmed, how to do I start in becoming a life coach? I've created a free checklist you can use so you don't miss a step. >>> Download Your Checklist <<< If you start to feel overwhelmed about all these steps remember that as you start a business many of these steps you only ever need to do once! #1: Take training from a reputable school and consider becoming certified. There are many icf accredited training programs. The international coaching...
Hey there, There are times in every successful entrepreneur’s life when their business is slow. Maybe you’re not getting more clients as quickly as you would like or maybe you’ve stalled. No matter the reason, you want to get things moving. Here’s a list to help you, bookmark it and refer to it anytime you need some inspiration on how to get out of a slump. Attend an Event In person is best. Put your phone away and get out from behind your computer to meet some new people. I bet some of the people you meet are your target audience. Read a Good Book Read a good non-fiction book. Some of my current favourites are: Start With...