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Are Vision Boards Too Woo Woo or Too Flaky?

Are Vision Boards Flaky Or Too Woo Woo? Here Are Some Of The Ways Using a Vision Board Is A Practical Approach To Reach Your Goals     One of the best tools to help you reach your goals is a vision board. You can either read this post or watch the video below where I tell you all about it. My current favourite are digital vision boards, they are fun, versatile and can be easy to make.  I create one vision board for one goal or topic. It helps me to stay super-specific and take focussed action. Dreaming on its own doesn’t make your goals come true, you’ve got to take action.  I create and use vision boards in...

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How To Find Your Perfect Niche

Most people have no idea what a coach is, or how a coach can help them.  When you choose a niche, you're placing a stake in the ground to declare that you specialize in helping people reach certain types goal or overcome a certain type of problem.

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How To Become A Go To Expert

How can you claim your expertise? Want to become a go-to expert in your niche? Many new coaches often tell me: I can't choose my niche. I don't know what to choose. I'm not sure what I'm good at. I don't know what my superpower is. I don’t know what I’m really passionate about. For many of us, this is just a way of procrastinating. If we don't make a decision, then we don't have to get moving, and you can avoid looking for clients. It’s easy to stay stuck in this “gosh I don’t know” place of indecision and casually wonder why your calendar isn't filling up. If you're just getting started and you don't know what your niche...

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5 Habits of Happy Successful People

5 Habits of Happy Successful People Many of us struggle to get ahead simply because we don't have the discipline to create and use these simple habits. You can choose differently! If you prefer you can watch the video >>> HERE Do you ever wonder why getting ahead can sometimes seem like such a struggle? The truth is: if you want to be highly successful, you need to have a vision, create great habits and stay focussed. Most successful coaches, leaders and entrepreneurs credit a few simple routines and mindset shifts they’re doing every day that give them the edge and help them succeed.   Before we dive in you might wonder, what do I mean by success anyway?  You...

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Get Ready For A Powerful Sample Session

How To Get Ready For A Powerful Sample Session     New coaches often ask me, how do I get ready for a strategy session so I can convert more of them into paying clients. Let’s approach this from three angles. This blog post is about getting ready to do a strategy session (free mini session) as opposed to what to do during the mini session. Watch the Video >>> HERE <<< I know you’ve probably got a lot of anticipation going in and you're really hoping that you're going to meet somebody who's the right kind of client for you. You want to make an offer to help them and you would love it if they said yes to...

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