5 Ways to Avoid Entrepreneur Burnout Hey there, I see you out there doing #allthethings. Starting a coaching business takes work, focus, creativity and perseverance. What habits and traits do successful entrepreneurs use to manage stress and for burnout prevention in the long term? You’re doing emails, perfecting your sample session, deciding on how much to charge, improving your coaching skills, looking for clients, getting organized, learning and more learning and taking classes. You’re probably doing all this at the same time you are working full-time in your career, caring for your family, trying to have a great relationship with your partner and still trying to squeeze in some time with friends. So where’s the work life balance and what do...
5 Ways To Use The Wheel of Life Assessment In Your Coaching Business One of the most useful coaching tools is called the Wheel of Life exercise is one of the most useful coaching tools. Its effectiveness lies in its simplicity and you may have learned of it in your original coach training. If you’ve never heard of this coaching tool and technique before let me give you a brief description of how it works. I’ve included the standard method commonly used in this blog post and I’ve added 4 more creative ways you can use this tool to help you deliver great coaching sessions. I've created a free Wheel of Life resource complete with workbook and free printable...
How To Create More Coaching Clients: The 7 Phases of Growing Your Client Base How to start a coaching business? Building a coaching business from scratch can be confusing and overwhelming. I’ve found that anytime I can corral my overflowing list of “to-do’s” down to something manageable like a step by step process it gets easier. It helps me because I can pinpoint exactly where I am in the cycle and then I know what I need to do to keep moving purposefully in the right direction. The most important part of starting and growing a coaching business is to get clients. I know that many of you are working diligently to become a certified life coach and even while...
Hey there, Listen I know we all have days when we get discouraged and wonder if all the work is worth it. Those are the days when we doubt our dreams will ever come true. We doubt our ability and wonder if we should just give up! I believe that success comes from the many small, sometimes tiny steps, you take even when you don’t feel like doing anything. Small acts combined with your decision and determination are the key to your success. If you've always been curious about what it takes to become a successful life coach I've got something for you!!! I created this free report: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming A Professional Coach. >>> Download Your Copy...
Seven tried and true strategies to help you navigate an uncomfortable situation as you are building your coaching business from scratch. True story. I had a coaching client, and we were halfway through our coaching agreement. One day, out of the blue, I received an email from him. It said, “this isn’t working out for me. I thought I would be farther along…I’d like you to send me a refund.” I was stunned, I thought what the heck? WTF? Really? How dare he? Instantly I went on the defensive and donned my battle gear. I thought about all my clients who are very pleased and swear that coaching is the thing that moved them from stuck and overwhelmed to centered...