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One Question To Get Clear


Want To Become A Successful Coach? Get Clear On Your Vision With This One Question


I know that you want to start and grow a successful coaching business. I also know it’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused. Where do you start, and once you’ve begun what do you next….and what about after that? 

Being a coach and a business owner is the fast-track to personal development. It stretches you in ways you never imagined. You wrestle with your inner critic and self-doubt. You are wracked with confusion because there are too many options. Your head is always spinning because you compare yourself to others. You want clients, but you’re stuck, and you don’t know where to start.


You are not alone!


I’m so glad you’re here. Let me be your go-to coaching business guide, Your Personal Business Coach*.  I’ve got you covered.  I’ve got loads of Free Resources you can check out here and a library of blog posts that you can search to get the help you need.  Want even more help? Talk to me…let’s see if we’re a match for coaching. 

Let’s start again. You want to become an awesome coach and build an incredibly successful business. Right? The fastest way to get clarity, get unstuck and make real progress is to know and understand your vision. 

When you understand what motivates you to become a brilliant coach, you will avoid much of the fear, overwhelm and confusion. 

We’re coaches, and coaches looooove questions. 

I’m going to ask you one single question to help you get focused and get unstuck. Grab your journal and follow along to get the most out of this exercise. 

The question is, Why? (If you could see me, you’d know I’m quietly asking you this question with respect and curiosity.)


Why do you want to be a coach?


When you’ve given me your answer, I will ask you again.


Why does that matter to you?


Pause and give some thought.  This is a great chance for you to pull out your journal and write your response.


I’m curious to know more….and will ask you again.


Why is this important to you?


And then,


Why is that significant?


And finally


Why is this vital?


Notice, I will keep asking you similar questions at least five times. I am essentially asking you “Why” five times. 

As you progress you will find that your answers become clearer and deeper. These answers are pure gold and they get you in tune with your vision and how you want your business to impact the world. 

You may be new in business or you might have been at this for a couple of years. This exercise works for any of us at any time as we are building a business. Your vision will shift over time and that’s ok. Anytime you begin to feel like you’ve evolved to a new level come back and do this exercise again.


Here’s an example of how a life coach may answer these questions:


Why do you want to be a coach? 

Because… I want to help people experience the same transformation I’ve experienced. 

Why does that matter to you? 

Because… I want people to live a happier more fulfilled life. 

Why is this important to you? 

Because… people who are happier and more fulfilled experience less stress and make the rest of the world a better place. 

Why is that significant? 

Because… if the world is a better place we will be kinder and more compassionate to others and ourselves. 

Why is this vital? 

Because… if we are kinder and more compassionate we will increase harmony and tolerance for others.


This life coach’s example shows their vision is to: 

  • Reduce conflict and increase harmony.
  • Improve conditions in the world.
  • Help their clients live a more fulfilled life.
  • Support their clients so they have less stress. 


Here’s another example to show how a weight loss coach might respond:


Why do you want to be a coach? 

Because… I want to help people lose weight. 

Why does that matter to you? 

Because… I want people to live a healthier life. 

Why is this important to you? 
Because… people who are healthier are happier and more active. 

Why is that significant? 

Because… people who are happier and more active have more time to enjoy their family and friends. 

Why is this vital? 

Because… relationships are everything.


So, in this example being a successful coach means:


  • Building a legacy and promoting rich and enjoyable relationships.
  • Helping people lose excess weight.
  • Help people to live longer happier and healthier lives.


Finally, here’s an example of the approach a career coach might take:


Why do you want to be a coach? 

Because… I want to help people choose the right career and get a good job 

Why does that matter to you? 

Because… people spend so much time at work, I want them to enjoy how they spend more than one-third of their life 

Why is this important to you? 

Because… I worked I a job where I was underpaid and underappreciated for many years. I don’t want anyone else to go through the same thing. 

Why is that significant? 

Because… people deserve to be paid well for good work and they deserve a healthy enjoyable work environment 

Why is this vital? 

Because… when they enjoy their work, their whole life will improve, and they will have less stress. Plus, when they make more money they have more freedom and can provide security for their family.


So, in this example being a successful career coach means:


  • Helping people to change jobs/careers.
  • Helping clients to find satisfying work.
  • Guide them to find good paying work.
  • Contribute to their clients experiencing more freedom, opportunity and security. 

The next time any of these three coaches are faced with overwhelm or confusion they can ask themselves these questions. 

  • Does this option/path/choice move me closer to my vision or further away from it?
  • Is this path a distraction?
  • Will this action help me to serve my clients even better?


Ok, now it’s your turn. In the next day or two, at most in the next 48 hours set aside 30-minutes to respond to these questions.  

To get the most out of this, you must take action. Don’t just think about how you would respond, take the time and do the exercise fully, write your answers. You will uncover your true vision much more quickly and effectively. 


1 comment

  • Dana

    I am an aspiring coach and am wondering how one picks their niche when they are multi-passionate. Picking my niche has kept me stuck for 6 months. :)

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