Want To Become A Successful Coach? Get Clear On Your Vision With This One Question I know that you want to start and grow a successful coaching business. I also know it’s easy to get overwhelmed and confused. Where do you start, and once you’ve begun what do you next….and what about after that? Being a coach and a business owner is the fast-track to personal development. It stretches you in ways you never imagined. You wrestle with your inner critic and self-doubt. You are wracked with confusion because there are too many options. Your head is always spinning because you compare yourself to others. You want clients, but you’re stuck, and you don’t know where to start....
Keep Showing Up....Your Success Is Just Around The Corner A couple of weeks ago I was at a live event and saw Marie Forleo, Amy Porterfield, Jasmine Starr and some other amazing entrepreneurs on stage. One lesson I took away was when Marie looked at the audience and said. ” You know what? One of the biggest reasons I’m successful is because I just kept showing up. I am a relentless M&^*^\ F#*&er!” All of these top female entrepreneurs echoed this statement. When times got tough…they didn’t give up. They showed up, again and again, and again. It seems simple when you hear this advice, but in truth people often give up too early. This habit of giving up...
Do you know what tall poppy syndrome is? It’s what happens to the tall poppy, the one that grows and stands head and shoulders above the others in the field. It gets chopped down for standing out! It’s a message many of us internalized when we were younger. Do you know the answer to that question the teacher asked in class? Well, don’t put your hand up in case you get it wrong and everyone laughs at you. Were you excited to volunteer for that interesting program? Well, don’t volunteer because you might be judged harshly. Did you experience this too? Do you still hold yourself back from standing out a little too brightly? Do you stay quiet instead of...
About a year ago, I entered the CrossFit Open. Now for those of you who have met me in person you know, I’m “mature”, “round” and not very athletic. So, you can let that mental picture settle (lol). If you’re not familiar with the CrossFit Open let me tell you more. It’s an international event where a bunch of crazy people sign up and each week for five weeks you are assigned a new workout. Every week the workout is a surprise, and CrossFit people watch the announcement with bated breath and then they collectively groan. Most of the time these workouts are difficult (and I mean difficult). They are announced on a Thursday and you have until the...
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want (Now I bet you’ll be humming that Spice Girls anthem for the rest of the day.) Here’s what I found out when I became a coach, most people have no idea what they want. They worry, they are unhappy, stuck, bored and overwhelmed, but they don’t know what they want. However, they are crystal clear on what they DON’T want. That’s how we as coaches help them. We help them figure out what they really want. We do it by asking powerful questions, holding space and reminding our clients of their brilliance. We hold faith for them when...