Small Wins Are Wins Too


About a year ago, I entered the CrossFit Open. Now for those of you who have met me in person you know, I’m “mature”, “round” and not very athletic. So, you can let that mental picture settle (lol).

If you’re not familiar with the CrossFit Open let me tell you more. It’s an international event where a bunch of crazy people sign up and each week for five weeks you are assigned a new workout. Every week the workout is a surprise, and CrossFit people watch the announcement with bated breath and then they collectively groan. Most of the time these workouts are difficult (and I mean difficult). They are announced on a Thursday and you have until the following Monday to do the workout and log your score.

Now don’t ask me why I registered, I think it’s my Type A – Striving personality. But register I did, and I completed all the workouts (there are scaled workouts depending on your age and ability – but they are still a real physical and mental test).

In hindsight, it is amazing that I am healthy and fit enough to do this. Did I tell anyone that I was doing it? Only a handful of people knew, my close family and those who saw me struggling through.

Looking back I wonder, why didn’t I share this success?

Good question.  Well, I’m telling you now.

So, what about you????

Be honest, how often do you tell others about your achievements?  How frequently do you speak up when you finally reached a goal or when you took action on something you’ve been scared to do? I bet many of you don’t say anything either.

We rarely, if ever, talk about our wins. We say “oh, it’s no big deal”. Or maybe we tell a few people and then shrug and say, “it’s just a little thing”.

Why is that?

Is it because we’re embarrassed to toot our own horn?

Why do we discount or hide our wins? Lots of times it might be that you don’t pause long enough to even enjoy them yourself. You finish, you reach the goal and then jump right back on the hamster wheel without even blinking.

I notice that not only do we not share our successes with others, we don’t even allow ourselves to enjoy it.  

I’m here to help you change this habit. Because, the more we allow ourselves to feel good and celebrate our wins, the happier and more confident we will feel.

Let’s begin celebrating all of our wins. Not just the big ones, but the small wins too. Maybe you finally completed your first blog post, posted on social media or voiced your opinion.  Whatever the win, small or large it’s still a win. #smallwinsarewins

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