Get more done with this one weekly practice



I have to say I hate this word and I love this word.

As an entrepreneur, there are so many things I want to accomplish. I’m a great “starter” but at times I struggle with finishing what I start.

What about you? Are you always coming up with great ideas? Do you consistently finish what you begin?

One shift in how I work has made an amazing difference in how much I actually get done.

I have an accountability partner.

She is an awesome entrepreneur too. Each week we chat about what we’re working on, our challenges, goals, and what we are committed to get done during the week.

Then next time we talk, we check-in and report how we did.

Here’s are four things I’ve learned about having an accountability buddy:

  • Making a commitment is powerful. I have to name my top priorities and say exactly what I’m going to get accomplished.
  • Just the act of talking about my priorities out loud gives me more clarity.
  • Because I’ve given my word and I know I have to report my progress I get a lot more done.
  • I get to celebrate someone else’s wins too.


Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely business. It feels good, to have someone who knows what it’s like to be a solopreneur, to bounce ideas off, to share my wins and my mistakes. Even though my husband is supportive, he doesn’t totally understand my business because he’s never experienced it.

Speaking about getting things done. If you haven’t already, sign up for my free 5-Day Challenge Kickstart Your Coaching Business. Each day I’ll guide you through a simple and fun activity to grow your coaching business and it only takes about 30-minutes!

Join me by clicking here >>>

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