Are you curious to find out what the word is? Just Think about it. How often do you sabotage yourself with this qualifier? Many of us, especially women, use the word “just” to soften the meaning of what we are stating. When you use the word just to describe who you are, what you do or to clarify your choice it devalues your abilities, your skills and shrinks your impact. Here’s an example. Read this sentence: I would just like to say that I feel that women undermine their credibility time and time again by using minimizing language. What do you notice? Using the word “just” and the phrase “I feel” undermines the writer’s own opinion. The writer appears to...
Are you overwhelmed with too many things to do? Do you feel frazzled and too busy to even think? If that’s you, it’s time to take a breath. You’re not alone in feeling this way. I’ve felt the same way too in the past, and while you’re reading this there are probably many other people out there who are in the same boat. So, what do you do after you take a breath? Three things. 1. First, instead of pushing it away and mentally beating yourself up, admit how you’re feeling. The easiest way to process this is by writing in a journal. Start with a brain dump. Vent all your frustrations onto the paper. The act of getting...
“Candy, what are you doing???? Why aren’t you wearing the shoes I got you?” I can just hear him now. This is what my husband often asks me when I walk back in the house from my she shed, which is my office. Maybe I should rewind. In case you didn’t know I work in my little ‘’she shed in the backyard. Here’s a photo so you can see what it looks like. Yes, it’s cute as a button and yes, I love it! But let’s get back to his question because it might help you too. I love to walk barefoot out in the grass and I do it whenever possible. Since I live on the “wet” coast...
How do you bounce back? What's the most important thing to do after you miss a goal? A few weeks ago, I shared with you my goal to send you 100 emails in 100 days #100emails100days. I’m doing this because I want to get to know you better and I know how overwhelming it can get to start a business. Plus, I’m always up for a good stretch goal because it helps me grow! So, I decided, to show up in your inbox every day to be there for you. To teach a little, motivate a little and support you in your journey. Well, guess what? I messed up! I didn’t send you an email this past Sunday. So today,...
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “thank you” it will be enough. Meister Eckhart Here in Canada, we are celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend and I wanted to reflect on this special day. This morning as I drank my morning coffee I thought about all the things I take for granted daily that I don’t appreciate. It’s amazing to me, that even though I have a regular gratitude practice still I feel like I allow things to pass me by unnoticed. Here are a few that I thought of this morning: I have hot fresh coffee in a beautiful cup. There is always fresh clean water to make it, just turn on the tap...