Do People Really Pay For Coaching?

Do People Really Pay For Coaching?

Who pays for life coaching?

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This is a question I’ve heard from people who are thinking of becoming a coach. You may have done some research and looked at some certification programs, and you’ve started to dream a little about how wonderful it sounds.. You may even be wondering how to start a life coaching business. This article will help!

Inevitably someone close to you will say “No one pays for coaching. Just because you see it on social media doesn’t mean you can build a business or a coaching practice!!!! Who are you kidding, that’s just a pipe dream.” It’s like they’ve splashed a big bucket of cold water on your face and your dream.

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Who knows why they’ve said it, some people want to save you from the possibility of disappointment. Others don’t think it’s possible to fulfil a dream. Maybe their hopes have been squashed so often, and they’ve become jaded to the possibility of living a fulfilling life. Whatever the reason, they’ve said it, and it’s a wake-up call, and now you’re wondering will people pay you?

The answer is YES, yes they do!!!

People who want a change, those are the people who pay for results and the ones who become your coaching clients. They pay for coaching services that help them get more of what they want and less of what they don’t want.

A word of advice, to become a successful life coach you will need to have a marketing plan and a sound business model.



If you've always been curious about what it takes to become a successful life coach I've got something for you!!!

I created this free report: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming A Professional Coach. 

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What type of people become clients?

People are problem solvers, we are always looking for solutions to our problems and if your coaching skills are that solution and they can see the benefit of a faster easier solution you bet people will sign up!

The world has changed so dramatically in the past few decades, and people now realize there is no such thing as a “job or employer for life”. As a result, we’re all learning to be more self-reliant.  Coincidentally, at the same time, the field of personal development is growing. We’re no longer happy to live complacently, the way our parents or grandparents lived. We’re not satisfied with staying on the old treadmill of life from birth, through school onto college and finding a job retiring at 55 with a pension, sitting in a rocker on the porch and then eventually dying.

More and more people want to LIVE a fulfilling life where there is satisfaction and growth and choice at every age and we’re willing to risk being uncomfortable for the sake of our growth and happiness.

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This means we’re questioning our limitations and most of all questioning how we want to live.

Successful coaches support people to get more of what they want and less of what they don’t want. We encourage people to weather transitions and build lives based on choice not on habit. AND we help them to do it faster!

All of this combines to fan the demand and the coaching industry is growing exponentially, and people are eager and willing to pay for the support of a coach.

You will find that individuals pay for coaching and that many organizations pay for coaching for their team members. The range of who pays for coaching is growing and where it used to be offered exclusively to the C-Suite, it is quickly becoming a perk provided to middle management as well. In addition, there is ample opportunity to offer group coaching programs at the organizational level too!

So, not only do people pay for coaching, but the demand for coaches is growing. If you are curious about becoming a professional life coach, it’s a great time to decide if it’s the right path for you.

If you’ve always wanted to become a life coach, or you are already well on your way and would like to find out more about how to start a coaching business I’ve created a special free PDF with you in mind. It’s a great first step as you consider what business plan you might need for your small business.

It’s called The Ultimate Guide: How To Become A Professional Coach. Click to grab your download your copy now >>>  Download Here.

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