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How To Choose Your Word Of The Year


My word for 2020 is collaboration.
I believe that when we work together when we collaborate and build a triple win, we can create a bigger change than I can ever do on my own.
A triple win means my partner wins, I win, and our clients and the community also wins. We have fun, we leverage our skills, resources and our hearts.
I’m amazed at the power of how choosing one word, one essence can transform your life.
Ever since I set my intention, I’ve had such amazing opportunities literally fall into my lap.
Within one month I was a guest on 3 podcasts, taught 2 masterclasses, I’ve been invited to a guest interview for a magazine and I’ve enjoyed facilitating collaborative vision boards with groups so they can create their shared vision to work more harmoniously and have a greater impact.
I am so thrilled and grateful for these opportunities.

What about you, how’s your year so far?
Did you choose your word of the year?
And if you did, do you remember what it is?
Or…. did you intend to choose one but never got around to it?
Don’t worry it’s not too late.
We get so hung up on having the year planned out. In December we’re in full flight.
We’re full of possibility, vision and dreams.
We say this is going to be MY YEAR.
We set inspiration intentions, choose a word of the year. Create a vision board.
In short, we do all the planning.
And then life happens, or we realize we actually have to do the work, (which can feel scary).

Maybe you got sick, or you just got busy and slipped back into your regular life as it was.
It’s easy to dream, but it’s not so easy to follow through.
If this is you, don’t worry. It’s completely normal.
You can begin again at any time. It’s not too late.
A year, YOUR year can start at any time!
So, if you chose your word of the year and then promptly forgot, or if you never actually got around to it. You can do it now.
To help make it easier for you, I made you a little gift.
It’s a new guide to help you choose your word-of-the-year. You can download it here >>>> How To Choose Your Word Of The Year
I hope you enjoy it!
PS: Leave a comment and let me know your word of the year. I can’t wait to hear from you and don't forget to grab that free PDF >>>> HERE.

PPS: When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you.
1. Want more content that’s simple to watch and easy to apply? Check out my YouTube Channel or my blog.
2. Watch my free training. How To Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever
3. If you're not taking the action you know you should be taking or if the action you are taking isn't working I can help. My clients learn how to understand and change their mindset so they can get more of what they want and they get it easily.  I have a few spots open for one on one coaching. Click here to apply

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