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Business Lessons From My Garden

Everything I Needed To Know About My Business I Learned From My Garden Today, let's talk about a new way to think about your business. A way that will help you through the tough times, when you’re working like crazy, but it feels like you’re not growing fast enough. It’s going to help you manage your self-doubts and feel better. Building a business is tough! It’s the fast track to personal growth and it’s so easy to get impatient! All over social media, you see coaches saying they are earning "big money". So how come it’s so difficult for you? Do you feel alone and wonder if you missed the boat? Yes, I hear this a lot, you are not...

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3 Things To Give Up If You Want To Move Forward

  What are the 3 things you need to give up if you want to move forward?     Watch it here:       If you've always been curious about what it takes to become a successful life coach I've got something for you!!! I created this free report: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming A Professional Coach.  >>> Download Your Copy Here <<<

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12 Powerful LOA and Vision Board Quotes

  12 Powerful Law of Attraction and Vision Board Quotes Have you always wondered if the Law of Attraction was just a fantasy? Do you secretly hope it works, but you just don’t want to admit you believe in it? Yes, I hear you! But before you dismiss it as make-believe or pretend, consider the power of focus, determination and dedicated action. We expect high achievers and famous athletes to have an unwavering dedication to their performance. When you think about their amazing successes, you know that they’ve spent many hours, practising, learning, falling short of their goal, fine-tuning and then starting again. When we see their success; we know it’s the result of dedication and commitment. This is what a vision...

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Nervous To Say You're A Life Coach?

Coaches, Are You Too Nervous To Call Yourself A Life Coach?   So many coaches are worried about what to call themselves.   Very, very few want to call themselves life coaches. They want to call themselves something else. They want to call themselves something fancy, something that has more authority. It's like we think that the phrase life coach isn't valid. Here's what my clients say in our sessions. They're worried if they call themselves a life coach, people won't take them seriously. They believe people won't take me seriously, and this means they won't get clients and won't be successful. So they decide they've got to call themselves something different. Something that makes the skill of coaching and life...

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How To Create A Vision Board That Works

How to Make a Vision Board That Really Works.   Create the highest grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe. Oprah As I’m writing this, spring has begun. Q1 is over, and it’s time to think about how your year is going so far. Are you on track to reach your dreams? It’s tradition, most of us spend a huge amount of time in December thinking, planning and dreaming about what we want to create in the new year. I’m intentionally writing this to you if you’ve lost steam and you’re not making the progress you had hoped for. Maybe you’ve turned around and realized you’ve fallen back into some of your old habits or you’ve...

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