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Be Willing To Feel Discomfort

When you avoid discomfort, you essentially delay reaching your next goal. Discomfort is the currency for success. Dive in, be willing to feel uncomfortable in the short run of you will experience the frustration and disappointment of delaying your progress..   I trust you find these tips useful and share them with your friends, co-workers and family.  Making changes in your life takes work, but it's worth it. Of course, you can do this on your own and that's why I create these videos to help you. And remember, the easiest and fastest way is to work with your own mindset coach. So, when you’re ready … Here’s how you can work with me for free: Listen to my podcast She...

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Lies About Confidence Ep:065

  3 Big Lies We Tell Ourselves About Confidence Ep: 065 Hello friends, I’m so glad you’re here. Welcome to this episode of She Coaches Coaches. Today we’re going to dive right in and talk about the 3 big lies we tell ourselves about confidence. When we believe these lies, we set ourselves up for failure. So, let’s talk about them because when you know…well you know and then you can work to avoid them so you can move forward. Hey, if you’re here YAY.  I’ve just started this little mini-series about confidence, if you missed the first episode in this series be sure to go back and listen once you’re finished with this one. We talked about how the...

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Money Is Part Of Self Care

Have you ever considered that money is self-care too? I know you want to be a coach and you're passionate about helping people. I want you to also remember to help yourself, care for yourself. If you don't get paid or you undercharge it's going to cause stress, worry and eventually squash your love for working with your clients.    I trust you find these tips useful and share them with your friends, co-workers and family.  Making changes in your life takes work, but it's worth it. Of course, you can do this on your own and that's why I create these videos to help you. And remember, the easiest and fastest way is to work with your own mindset coach....

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You Can't Fake It Til You Make It Ep: 064

 Episode 64: You can’t fake it til you make it…do this instead Hey everyone. How are you doing today? I'm so pleased to talk to you. It is a beautiful fall day (some of you may say autumn) and the reason it’s beautiful is the rain has stopped and the skies have cleared.   I love doing these episodes because I really feel like I'm talking to each of you individually and I can just talk to you. It’s not about being perfect. It’s just about having a conversation. Right.  You know. We spend so much time trying to be exactly the way everybody else thinks we should be so that we fit in and don’t ruffle too many feathers…but...

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Consistency Builds Trust

 Consistency is important, it builds trust with your audience and your potential clients. The ones who are watching and reading and listening to your content. Start small with a much smaller commitment to your content and social posting and build the habit.   I trust you find these tips useful and share them with your friends, co-workers and family.  Making changes in your life takes work, but it's worth it. Of course, you can do this on your own and that's why I create these videos to help you. And remember, the easiest and fastest way is to work with your own mindset coach. So, when you’re ready … Here’s how you can work with me for free: Listen to my...

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