3 Things About Confidence Ep:066


3 Things You Need To Know About Confidence Ep: 066

Hello friends, welcome to this episode of She Coaches Coaches.

This is the third episode in my mini-series about confidence.

Last time we spoke about the lies we tell ourselves that hold us back.

This time I’ve got 3 things you need to know about building your confidence.

Why do we need and want confidence anyway…well because it feels good, empowered, and like we can accomplish anything we set our minds to?

Here’s your powerful thought for today. 

A lack of confidence does not mean you’re not ready.

Last episode I reminded you “you are far more capable than you know” -and this week I’m offering this thought “a lack of confidence doesn’t mean I’m not ready”

If you like these encouraging thoughts well, I’ve got a little treat for you.

When you sign up for my FREE Coaches Online Business Academy. (This is the free vault where I gift you all kinds of excellent resources that you can dive in and use today.) Now I’ve, added some fun Free screensaver graphics too using these powerful and inspiring thoughts that you can download and use them for your phone’s home screen.

I find this a super helpful way to remind myself what thoughts I’m practicing Because when I do I think better so that I feel better, more empowered and then it’s so much easier to be effective and make progress. I’ll put the link to sign up in the show notes. Then you can sign up and download the graphics right away.

The three things you need to know about confidence.

The first, it rises and falls like every emotion

Sounds simple right? Remember the lie I spoke about in the last episode, that we wish we could become confident and stay there FOREVER…when in fact confidence is an emotion.

We are able to shape our emotions. That’s right, emotions don’t just happen to us. We can create them with our thoughts, and we can learn to evoke the physical sensation of them in our body.

When I think of emotion I think of waves on the ocean. Sometimes they are a little ripple and sometimes they are big waves. But they are always dynamic, and always in motion.

They come and they go, they change they rise and fall. 

We think thousands and thousands of thoughts each and every day.

Now most of those thoughts are on automatic pilot…and knowing this means we can begin to be aware of how we’re thinking and how we feel when we think those automatic habit thoughts.

If you want a reminder, go back to some of my earlier episodes for a brief overview. I put the links in the episode notes

The second, you can create confidence on purpose (that’s the 5C Confidence Formula)

Remember, it’s variable – sometimes we have it sometimes we don’t.

Maybe it’s easy for you to feel confident in one area of your life, but not another.

Do you feel confident as a new parent? Nope I bet you didn’t when you brought that new baby home for the first time. You probably felt completely out of your element. I remember bringing my son home from the hospital after he was born and I just looked at him and thought oh my god, what am I supposed to do with you. How will I ever do this?

Then with my second – it was a breeze. I knew how to tote that little baby around…so easy, relaxed. It was a completely different experience.

To experience confidence, we have to be willing to feel like crap – discomfort, fear, vulnerable. Feeling like crap is part of the process. You don’t become confident without needing to be courageous.

And I’m not talking about courageous with a capital C, it can be a small brave step. Just the next step…not a big leap.

My guess is every time you try something new, you don’t feel very confident.

Well, I’m the same way.

But now that I know I can create confidence using thought work and coaching (and the 5C approach I’m going to describe in the next episode) it feels so much more doable really so much more manageable. Because I know I have the tools to create it and so will you. It’s all about practice…and putting the steps into action

A lack of confidence does not mean I’m not ready

This is not a linear path, you may end today feeling capable and wake up tomorrow feeling “meh” – you will move between all the levels throughout the day…. that’s normal

Confidence is not arrogance.

Believe in yourself…not at the expense of others, this is not a competition.

You can’t pretend your way to confident, but you can…

You can think yourself to confidence

You can feel yourself to confidence

You can love yourself to confidence

You think your way by choosing thoughts that feel aligned and powerful and then practicing them, integrating them, so they become new engrained habit thoughts.

You can feel your way to confidence because your feelings flow from your thoughts.

You can love your way to confidence. And this is part of my approach that’s a bit different than some of the heavy alpha macho style. Learning to love and trust yourself, to have your own back and make a promise to yourself that you won’t be mean to yourself when you are learning. When you treat yourself this way you will be way more likely to be motivated to try and try again….

So that’s it for today – three things you need to know about confidence:

  1. Confidence rises and falls just like every other emotion.
  1. You can create confidence on purpose
  1. A lack of confidence does not mean you’re not ready 

I’m looking forward to sharing my 5C confidence formula with you in the next episode and it’s a game changer.  So, if you’re listening as these episodes drop make sure to subscribe. And if you’re joining me and they are already live you can line them up and play them one after the other to get all my teaching in the series back-to-back.

Listen, I want you to know that I love my clients, they are high achievers, and I’m honored to invite you to be part of my community too. If you’re ready to get started, sign up for my free resource library. The Coaches Online Business Academy, there’s lots of free help waiting for in there right now. And don’t forget to download those inspiring FREE screen savers.

And if you want even more help, maybe You’ve had enough of trial and error and trying to figure it all out on your own. And now you want to work more closely with me.

Click the link in the episode notes to find out how to apply to work with me.

I’ll be back to talk with you next week. 

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