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The 3 Biggest Mistakes That Rob Us Of Our Happiness

   The 3 Biggest Mistakes That Rob Us Of Our Happiness How can you find happiness within yourself? Everyone wants to be happy, we chase it, we hunger after it. And we’re always looking for the next quick fix, the magic wand, that we think will finally make us happy.  But it can be much simpler. Happiness is really an inside game, there are 3 common mistakes we make every day that rob us of our joy and satisfaction. Literally, when you make these mistakes you drain the happiness from your life and you’re left dull and stale.   These are lessons for our life that translate perfectly to our business. When we are more satisfied and more fulfilled (literally filled up...

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Learn How To Celebrate Yourself

    Why It's Important To Learn How Celebrate Your Own Success Here's a link to a video where we talk about learning how to celebrate success. So often we work like crazy to achieve something, we take a big step or a little action then once it's done we don't allow ourselves even a moment to appreciate our progress. It took persistence and commitment to make it happen, so why do we shrug it off and pretend like "it's no big deal"? It's no wonder you feel discouraged. You're continually stepping on yourself, pushing yourself down. We so easily minimize our accomplishments.   When you learn how to pause, take a moment, and appreciate your own wins you take a major step...

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