Treat Your Clients Right


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To Have a Success Coaching Business Treat Your Clients Right.

Hey there! How are you today?

Growing a wildly successful coaching business is completely possible. I believe in you and I know you can make it happen. In another blog post, we’ll talk about more of the keys to success. But today, let’s talk about the most important thing, your clients.

Yes, I know there are so many things to do when building your business and it’s easy to get distracted. Some days it seems overwhelming, but every time you get that dazed “I don’t know what to do“ feeling, I encourage you to refocus by using this question.

What is the ONE most important action I can take today to make progress?

I guarantee you 90% of the time, your answer will relate to your clients.  A business needs clients to survive and thrive. Make no mistake your coaching practice is a real business.

When you boil it down, the 3 most important things you must do for a successful business can be put simply: get clients, retain your clients and help your clients.

Have you given much thought to who your clients are? This time I’m not speaking about defining your ideal client, while this is an important step to being able to deliver a powerful message. I want to take a different perspective. Many coaches think they must chase business and that includes pursuing and striving to get enough clients. When you have this mindset your practice is infused with a feeling of lack, as there may never be enough for you. What if you could take an easier path?  I prefer to focus on attracting my clients. Now, I’m not suggesting you take a passive approach. I don’t believe visualizing and dreaming about your business goals is effective unless you are willing to couple the power of visualization with inspired action. 

Start and Build A Coaching Business | Get More Coaching Clients  | From employee to entrepreneur  | Quit your 9 to 5 job | Coaching Business Tips and Resources

Here’s my approach. 

For me, every individual on my email list and every person who follows me on social media are all my clients.

I’m curious, have you ever thought about your clients this way? I encourage you to shift your perspective. 

What’s that you say?  Yes, that’s exactly my approach and it’s how I think of you too. Every one of you reading this message is already my client. But, some of you just haven’t paid me money yet and some of you may never.

And that’s completely OK.

I have a lot of clients both paying and pro bono and I welcome all of you.

My role is to serve you, to support you, to provide you with great teaching, tips and resources you can use to build your business.  No strings attached. My goal is always to create the best content I can for you. Whether it’s this blog post, a video or one of my free PDF worksheets, I create with you in mind. That’s it. That’s what I do. I don’t hold any secrets here.

And here’s the next and equally valuable step. I provide these resources to help you, and then when you get great results, or hear an answer to a question that’s been troubling you for some time. You will take the next step, you will begin to trust me and follow me and when the time is right you may pay for some of my products, classes or individual private coaching.

I encourage you to look at your own business and decide how you want to view your clients; decide exactly how you want to help them. If you like my approach, take it and make it yours!

You see, I’m here for the long haul when you need more than my free resources I’ll happily welcome you into the next stage of our journey. So yes, like I said you already are my client.

I’m curious how I can best help you today? 

First, send me an email at  I’d love to hear from you, I personally read every single email I get, and maybe I’ll answer your question on another one of my blogs.


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