I’ve been thinking about you today 😊. Yes, you! And remembering what it was like when I started my coaching practice. Maybe you can relate, I had big dreams and NO clients ( yes, you read that right, zero!). But I knew I was called to be a coach. Some days felt awesome, I was filled with hope and optimism while I bumbled around trying to figure it out and other days….. well, they just sucked.
Whenever I write to you, I always think, what would have made my life easier? What would I have wanted to hear? When my days were going well I was keen to learn more strategy, so I’d feel less and less like I was bumping around in the dark. And when my days were crappy I wanted something that would pick me up, remind me why I was doing this and help me get back to that hopeful space.
Today, if you need some help getting your optimism back, I want to get you thinking about the “Power of One”.
Lots of times my dreams felt too big (especially since I often had no idea what I was doing). On those days, I wished I could just hide under the covers. It was one of those days, I was in a funk and I was half-heartedly listening to a podcast. I don’t even remember which one or I’d give them credit for this inspiration. The podcaster said, “yeah when it gets tough I just use the power of one....”. For some reason, that comment struck a chord and got me thinking and I’ve been applying it ever since.
Here’s how it works:
When you’re overwhelmed with the size of your dreams, the magnitude of your to-do list or when you just feel like the mountain is too big.

- Who is the one person you can call to set up a sample session?
- Who is one person you’ve successfully coached? How did you help them?
- Who is one person you can help right now?
- What one small thing can you do at this time?
These tiny, seemingly insignificant, questions will help you get back on track.
If you’re feeling discouraged, helping one person right now will help you feel better. When you’re worried your business will fail, remembering one person you’ve successfully coached will remind you that this is the right path for you. When you set up one sample session or write one blog post with a supportive message you will have taken an important step towards creating momentum.
Now I’m curious, I’ve got a question for you. Who is the ONE person you will help or the ONE thing you will do today? I’d love to hear how it goes. What worked well? Send me an email at info@candymotzek.com I personally read every single email I get.
I’m here for the long haul! My goal is to help you, in any way I can, to grow your coaching practice. How’s it going? If you’re feeling bummed out I invite you to schedule a complimentary 20-minute private Clarity Session with me HERE
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