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8 Must-Have Coaching Forms


The 8 Must-Have Forms Every Coaching Business Needs


The 8 Must Have Forms Every Coaching Business Needs

When you're thinking about how to become a life coach remember you will need to have a welcome packet for new clients.

I spend a lot of time listening to what my clients and the coaches around me need help with. One of the big questions is “What paperwork do I need for my business?”

You’re in luck because a coaching practice is one of the simplest business models, so you don’t need a lot of administrative paperwork to be a successful life coach. This good news when you’re still holding down your day job.

One of the first steps in your journey to becoming a professional life coach, and it’s right up there in importance with taking a coaching certification program, or coaching course, and honing your coaching skills.

Once you’ve chosen your area of specialization and know how you can help your potential clients, ask yourself how to go the extra mile and how to make your clients feel welcome.

How to go the extra mile and make your clients feel welcome.

Here’s what to include in your welcome packet, so you can get your paperwork in order, check the box, and easily get these in order:


A coaching contract doesn’t have to be long or complicated. It only needs to be a couple of pages. Make sure, at a minimum, you include information about:

  • Length of the agreement
  • What is included in the coaching package: # calls, length of calls, email support, VIP days
  • No show, late and last-minute cancellation policies
  • Confidentiality
  • Code of ethics of any associations you belong to
  • A reminder that coaching is not therapy or professional advice and that the client is solely responsible for their actions and results
  • Your fees

Both you and the client should date and sign the contract and keep a copy.

I recommend going over the terms and conditions briefly during your discovery (initial) call.

The 8 Must-Have Forms Every Coaching Business Needs

Welcome Letter

Send a welcome letter when a client commits to coaching with you. It welcomes them to the working relationship and gives them information about what to expect throughout the engagement. Include logistics on how calls will take place (in person, phone, Skype, video conference).

Track Your Hours

Use a tracking spreadsheet or form to capture all hours that you coach. It’s important to differentiate between pro-bono and paid coaching time.  This is an invaluable tool if you are pursuing a credential or designation with the International Coach Federation, ICF. Include the client's name, date and duration of a coaching session

Client Questionnaire

A good client questionnaire gives the client a warm start to coaching and asks for self-reflection before you have the first coaching call. It’s designed to build a powerful relationship. The client’s responses form the groundwork for your work together. 

Here are some ideas for questions you can include:

  • How does the client get stuck?
  • What do they do to get unstuck?
  • How do they get in the way of their own success?
  • What are their top strengths?
  • What is most important in their lives?
  • What are they hoping to get out of coaching?
  • Current challenges?
  • How can the coach best support them?

Client Goal Worksheet

At the start of a coaching engagement, and periodically throughout, the client should establish goals and targets. This helps both you and the client get clear on what they want out of coaching, reminds them of their progress and makes it clear when they’ve reached their goals.

Coach Session Prep Form

Many coaches ask their client to fill out a prep form prior to each coaching call. It helps you make the best and most efficient use of your time together.

Include questions for their reflection:

  • How are they? What’s been going on in their lives?
  • What have they accomplished since we last spoke?
  • What successes since we last spoke?
  • What're the challenges they are currently experiencing?
  • What do you want to get out of this call?

Client Personal Information Sheet

Include the basics: name, address, email, skype id, cell phone, Some people like to also ask for:  number of children, name and ages of children, work details, significant other, education level, birthdate (day/month – so you can send a card 😊).


A professional-looking invoice lets you bill your clients for the coaching package. This can be a Microsoft Word document, a secure shopping cart on your website or sent directly from your online scheduler or accounting software.


So now it’s your turn.  What other questions do you have about being a successful coach or the coaching industry? Send me an email at  I’d love to hear from you, I personally read every single email I get, and maybe I’ll answer your question in one of my blogs. 

There are so many things to do when you're starting out. Make a professional impression on your clients and save time and energy grab your 8 Must-Have Forms for Your Coaching Business now.  



  • MarcAnthony Scott

    This article was amazing and very helpful as I am an aspiring life coach and Im just getting started with how to mold my business

  • Yasha Albright

    This article was very helpful!

    Thank you for sharing it and reaffirming that I don’t need a lot of stuff.

    Would you recommend an email sequence or email templates for onboarding clients?

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