How You Start Your Day Matters



{Live Video} How You Start Your Day Makes You More Successful in Life

Ok, I'm trying something new for today's blog! 

I will be doing Facebook Live each week at a scheduled time so you can log on and ask me questions, and in turn, I can help you with the tips and resources you need to become a successful coach. How to start and how to build a thriving business.  I've posted my most recent Facebook Live video below - check it out!

I know you want to make a difference in the world and in your life. Maybe you want an awesome part time business, exciting side hustle, or maybe you want to quit your 9 to 5. Whatever your goals, let's talk about it. I want to hear what's going on with you. What's going well and places you're struggling. If you want to know when I'll be going Live, make sure to sign up for my newsletter at this link. I mean after all, who doesn't want free coaching and guidance. You can (just about ;-) ) ask me anything.  

Today, the message was a reminder of how important it is to start your day focused and calm.   My morning routine starts early and it includes meditation, reading, writing in my journal, and sitting quietly sipping my first cup or coffee as I watch the day dawn. These activities help to centre me and keep me calm, focused and productive. These benefits last throughout the whole day.

One tip, I often start the day with this question:

"What is the ONE word you will focus on today to make it powerful?"

Then I sit quietly and take a couple of slow conscious breaths, whatever word pops into my mind, is my word for the day.  You can hear more about this by watching/listening to the video.



I'm curious, do you have a morning routine? What does it include? How has it changed your life?  I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email at or send me a message by pressing the Message Us button on the right hand side of the screen. I personally read every single message.

PS>>> Don't miss out. Be the first to find out about my Facebook Live Q&A broadcasts by signing up at this link>>>> here . (and you'll also get a copy of my free PDF, 7 Powerful Questions You Can Use Today To Fill Your Coaching Practice With Paying Clients.)


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