How can I be a coach, I'm a hot mess Ep 177


Episode 177: How can I be a coach, I'm a hot mess.



We’re diving into the She Coaches Coaches vault, to share with you one of our most popular standout episodes. Whether you’re a long-time listener or new to the podcast, get ready to enjoy a fresh perspective in your new listening space.

We debunk the myth that a flawless life is a prerequisite for success in coaching. Discover the four pivotal roles YOU play as a coach—listening, caring, curiosity, and belief—and recognize that the real magic happens in the powerful connection between YOU and your clients, transcending the need for a perfect life.


  1. Inner Critic Unveiled: Unmask the inner critic that whispers doubts about your worthiness, waiting for perfection, and feeling inadequate, understanding that these thoughts are the brain's sneaky way of keeping you in a comfort zone.


2. I encourage you to revisit Episode 3, "How to Silence Self Doubt," to understand the inner critic and its role in fostering self-doubt and hesitation.


  1. The Voice of Inner Critic: Identify and dissect the detrimental thoughts rooted in self-doubt, such as "I'm not good enough," "When I'm perfect," and "I should wait," understanding their origin and impact on your confidence.


  1. Risk and Vulnerability: Acknowledge that embracing coaching as a new and improved version involves your energy, risk, and vulnerability, elements resisted by the inner critic to maintain a sense of safety.


  1. The Value of Challenges: Embrace your personal challenges, as they make you more compassionate and relatable to clients going through tough times, emphasizing your role as a valuable guide.


  1. No Need for Perfection: Debunk the notion that you need to have your life together or be perfect, highlighting that imperfections and ongoing personal growth contribute to the richness of your coaching experience.


  1. Mental Health Considerations: If you're dealing with mental health issues, prioritize self-care, likening it to the airplane oxygen mask principle—attend to yourself first before helping others—and consider returning to your coaching aspirations after seeking therapy.


  1. The Four Roles of a Coach: Unveil the four crucial roles YOU play as a coach—listening, caring, curiosity, and belief—illustrating that none of these roles necessitates a perfect life or absence of personal challenges.


  1. Human-to-Human Connection: Emphasize that the essence of coaching lies in the human-to-human connection, where you, despite facing challenges, can provide support, compassion, and belief in your clients.


  1. Coaching as a Helping Profession: Draw parallels with other helping professions like doctors and therapists, highlighting that you, like your counterparts, can still be effective while experiencing life's ups and downs, underscoring the importance of ongoing self-improvement through coaching skills and practice.

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