Loey Werking Wells Rewrite Your Story Ep:115


Episode 115: Ask An Expert: Loey Werking Wells Rewrite Your Story Through Coaching

 Episode Description

Join me as I speak with one of my amazing clients, Loey Werking Wells. She brings her experience as a writer, lawyer, project manager and community activist to her coaching practice. Loey works with people who are searching for meaning in every stage of life.

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Bio: Loey brings her experience as a lawyer, writer, project manager, and community organizer to coaching. She’s written screenplays, a collection of short stories, and a few drawer novels (those that remain in a drawer). She’s studied storytelling for years and is fascinated by the stories we tell ourselves. She is deeply curious and always game for an adventure. In 2005 she and her husband circumnavigated the globe for a year with their then-eight year old, and have continued to travel, visiting a total of 44 countries and 46 US states.

Instagram: @werkingwellscoaching/

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