Ask An Expert: Tanya Gill Is Perfectly Imperfect Ep-113
Episode Description
Join my guest, Tanya Gill and I for an unscripted conversation on imposter syndrome. I’m bringing you something a little different, an open free flowing conversation.
If you struggle with imposter syndrome and self-doubt listen in to find out that you are not alone and some ways to manage your experience.
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- Tanya Gill
Tanya is your real talk friend, teacher, social worker, life coach and fairy! Her life has been many wtf moments including becoming a widow, struggling with weight and body image issues, dating after loss, single parenting, remarriage, and blending families. When she hit burnout when life looked perfect on the outside, she became passionate about showing other women how to prevent it that darkness and move through it if they do find themselves there. As a coach, speaker, writer, and living her purpose to inspire hope, she has the pleasure of partnering with clients in transformation. Like a fairy, she loves creative variety, and sharing love and light. This gift is from her heart to yours – Creative Reflections - a 14 day colouring book and reflection journal.
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