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Are you scared to ask for money?


Are you a coach who is scared to ask for money. Here are some tips.

Many coaches are nervous charging for their services. Are you one of them?

Picture this, you’ve just finished doing an awesome sample session. You and your potential new client had a great discussion, you connected well, and they are excited. Now it’s time for you to tell them how you can work together. Do you mumble and stumble over the words when it comes time to tell them how much you charge?

You may have set your rates and then at the last minute, when it’s time to describe how they can work with you and the investment, you chicken out. You ask for a lower rate, or you give them a discount.  Sound familiar?

Don’t worry, you are not alone. I used to do this when I was starting out too and it took me a while to resolve my nervousness.

One of the reasons you might get nervous. You love coaching, and you really like this new client, and somehow it seems weird asking to get paid to do something you love.

So what do you do?

I bet you are more accustomed to being an employee and the only time you ever negotiated for money is when you were hired. In addition, maybe you feel like you and your coaching business are one and the same.

It’s easy to get muddled up and feel like the amount you charge is somehow tied to your self-worth. Is this true for you?

First, be gentle on yourself. Give yourself some grace and acknowledge how you feel.

Second, be honest with how you feel. Own every part of your emotions, don’t try to escape them or judge yourself harshly.

Are you a coach who is scared to ask for money or tell people how much you charge? Here are some tips


Now, think of a few people you’ve coached. Even if you’re a brand new coach, you probably worked with some “practice clients” in your training.  What input did they give you? Did you help them? Think of the value they received from your coaching. 

Perhaps you helped them work through some challenges at work and they feel less stressed. Maybe you supported them to get a new perspective on a family issue. How can you put a price tag on less stress, more harmony, and a happier life?

The next time you get ready to tell someone how much you charge. Remember, the underlying value your coaching gives and I think you’ll find it much easier to speak about your rates because you will know it really is a win-win.

How can they afford not to hire you?

Hey, I’m working on something exciting!!!! I’m launching a free 5-day challenge to help you Kickstart Your Coaching Business. This challenge is good for new coaches or experienced coaches who are feeling stale and want to get some zip back in their practice. I can’t wait to share it with you!!! 

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